Friday, September 21

BeadedSocks Has Been Tagged

Thanks to Minefull I have been tagged. Which means I get to reveal 6 things about myself and then tag 6 others ~ interesting or not, here it goes:

1. I wanted to grow up and be a MOM and still love it!

2. We once lived where we could watch Disneyland Fireworks every night ~ I thought we were being shot at the first night in our house.

3. My favorite candy bar is a Whatchamacallit

4. I told my fifth grade science class that I must have been hatched ~ since I didn't have a belly button. Of course I had one at birth, it disappeared at three when my appendix burst.

5. I like fixing things around the house ~ can use a saw, screwdriver, hammer and wrench

6. I like to organize and wash Laundry! I hang all my shirts the same direction in the same way every time.

Check out who I tagged:


Tuesday, September 18

BeadedSocks in a Treasury on Etsy

Thanks KatieBeansKids for featuring my Halloween Socks!
Check out her shop